

Vetrivel Murukanukku Haro Hara

Palani Flag Hoisting/Girivalam/Muruga Homam on Karthigai Deepam Day (13-12-24)

Venue : Palani Flag Hoisting/Girivalam/Muruga Homam
Date : 13-12-24

Shri Rejith Kumar remarked that Karthigai Deepam festivities were important in Thiruvannamalai. LMRK performed a Girivalam around Palani Malai. Several powerful duties had already been performed, and each duty yielded significant positive changes, like a butterfly effect. These divine actions were performed under Muruga Peruman’s direction and led to positive changes in the world’s history. LMRK had already completed 4 out of 6 yagams based on Earth, Water, Air, and Space elements. The current yagam focused on the Fire (Agni) element, and the next yagam focused on the Time dimension. The Agni Yagam was essential to seek protection and eliminate Deep State energies that hindered India’s progress and development.

i) Flag Hoisting at Kodaikannal Bypass (7:00 AM – 9:00 AM)The flag hoisting took place near Sakkadai Siddhar’s Samadhi, about 2 kilometers from Palani. The LMRK flag was hoisted on land recently leased by LMRK at a height of 70 feet. The flag hoisting served as an energy signal to the Kumari Kandam ancestors to return to Mother Earth. Shri Rejith Kumar suggested that LMRK members take darshan of Lord Dhandayudhapani before joining back for the Girivalam in the evening.

ii) Palani Girivalam (6:30 PM)Lunar lamps (diyas) were provided to LMRK members to carry during the Girivalam while offering prayers to the second Moorthy of Muruga Peruman, a dark matter statue created by Bogar Siddhar, which is located beneath the sanctum of Lord Dhandayudhapani. This Girivalam was for invoking the blessings of this aspect of Muruga Peruman before the Agni Yagam.

iii) Maha Homam (10:00 PM – 1:00 AM)The Maha Homam was the first spiritual duty performed before the Agni Yagam. Prayers were offered to the second Moorthy of Muruga Peruman. There were 10 Homa Gundams, and LMRK members were given the opportunity to make ghee offerings in 5 of these Gundams to invoke Muruga Peruman’s blessings and pray for India’s well-being.
The Homam was officiated by Sri Vamadeva Nata Saravana Sivam and his team from Thanjavur.

Few Moments

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